

My company

Technical documentation, scripting, resources, managed services, and break-fix support for the call center and telephone answering service industries.

Call Theory

Call Theory is technical support, training, guidance, and tools (like our Mission Control dashboard) for call centers and answering services

Call Theory

Call Theory is a Trade Name Registration owned by NotfiUs, LLC.

Grove City Tech Lab

Grove City Tech Lab

Grove City Tech Lab is an expansion of the services offered through Call Theory - but with a local focus on my community in Grove City, Ohio and expansion to residential and general small-business security and privacy.

Grove City Tech Lab is a Trade Name Registration owned by NotfiUs, LLC.

NotifiUs, LLC

NotifiUs, LLC is a single-member LLC registered in the State of Ohio on December 12, 2012, to front-end my freelancing.

At the time I was focused on group communication tools like SMS/messaging applications and also in-browser call center solutions (before they were widely popular.)

In December 2017, I quit my job and went full-time on developing NotifiUs, LLC into a fully-bootstrapped business - providing consulting, coaching, and project support for call centers.

NotifiUs, LLC

The Call Theory d.b.a. was added June 16, 2020 in response to my business plans changing significantly from the COVID-19 global pandemic impact.

I swapped from in-person consulting to recurring support subscriptions with free-digital resources - i.e., what today is now Call Theory

The Grove City Tech Lab d.b.a. was added July 23,2023 to market my technical services to my local community without confusing them ("Call Theory" would have no meaning to my target audience for this expansion of services.)

Supporting Me