About Me
My Family
This is a friendly reminder that you need to go visit your family more often.
Are you talking to me? ~You, probably
Yes, this message is for you. Go see the people you love, bring them something to eat, and tell them you love them.
My Ancestory
Although they keep adjusting the values, it appears as though I am primarily from Germanic Europe, Scotland, and Ireland.
My Wife & Best Friend
My 😍wife😍 is obviously my best-friend. I couldn't imagine not having her to help guide me through this insane world.
Required Clarification
Patrick is not his wife's best-friend - that title is taken by NAME_REDACTED
and is sealed by the sacred rings of friendship. Patrick has no power here.
Immediate & Extended Family
It's not my business to share their information online. Give them a call, or ask me how they are doing the next time we talk in person.